School of Mathematics
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton

Photo: Erwin Schenkelbach
Einstein Institute of Mathematics
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Aner Shalev was born in the previous century in a kibbutz on the sea of Galilee. His first love (at 10) was experimental chemistry, which proved too dangerous when a test tube full of hydrogen exploded in his hands. He wisely moved to pure mathematics and writing fiction.
In 1988 he finished his Ph. D. in mathematics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, supervised by Shimshon Amitsur and Avinoam Mann, and published his first book, Opus 1 - a collection of stories with a musical structure. Other literary works followed: Overtures (1996) - seventy openings of stories without ends, and the recent novel Dark Matter (2004), a complex love story with astrophysical parallels, alternating between prose and email, which will also appear in some European languages.
The mathematical work of Aner Shalev is in algebra. He enjoys studying groups using other disciplines, such as Lie methods and probabilistic methods. He was an invited ICM speaker (1998), and chaired the Institute of Mathematics at the Hebrew University (1999-2001). He used to enjoy playing chess with his daughter Ariella until he started losing.

School of Mathematics
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton