About the Authors

Sourav Chakraborty
Associate professor
Chennai Mathematical Institute, Chennai, Inda
Associate professor
Chennai Mathematical Institute, Chennai, Inda
Sourav Chakraborty is an associate professor at the Chennai
Mathematical Institute, India. He completed his Ph.D. in 2008 at the
University of Chicago under the supervision of László Babai.
His research interests lie
in the classical and quantum complexity of
Boolean functions (including property testing
and different combinatorial
measures of the complexity
of Boolean functions),
electronic commerce,
graph algorithms,
and coding theory.

Eldar Fischer
Faculty of Computer Science
Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology
Technion City, Haifa 32000, Israel
Faculty of Computer Science
Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology
Technion City, Haifa 32000, Israel
Eldar Fischer completed his Ph.D. in 1999 at Tel-Aviv University under
the supervision of Noga Alon, and has been a member of the Faculty of
Computer Science at the Israel Institute of Technology (the Technion)
since 2001. His main interests lie in the analysis of algorithms,
especially property testers and
algorithms, but he is
also interested in most things combinatorial. His main
interest centers on board and card games.

Arie Matsliah
Software Engineer
Google, Mountain View, CA
Software Engineer
Google, Mountain View, CA
Arie Matsliah is a software engineer in the ads-quality team at Google. He graduated from the Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology in 2008; his advisor was Eldar Fischer. His research interests include sublinear algorithms and complexity of Boolean functions.