About the Authors

John Faben
School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary, University of London
School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary, University of London
John Faben
studied Mathematics at the
University of Birmingham.
He then spent a year in
Edinburgh doing a Masters in
Operational Research before going on to do a Ph.D. with Mark Jerrum at
Queen Mary in London. The focus of his research
there was the complexity of modular counting, particularly in Constraint
Satisfaction Problems, but he also enjoyed the existence of the
Combinatorics Study Group.
He doesn't do research level mathematics any more, but has moved back to
Scotland and works for Barclays Bank in Glasgow. He plays both bridge and
water polo, and has yet to meet anyone else who can say the same.

Mark Jerrum
School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary, University of London
School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary, University of London
Mark Jerrum graduated from Edinburgh University in 1981,
where his advisor was Leslie Valiant. He remained at Edinburgh
until 2007, when he moved to Queen Mary, University of London.
He has a long-term interest in the computational complexity of
counting problems, and in randomised algorithms, particularly
those based on Markov chain Monte Carlo.