About the Authors

Mark Bun
Ph.D. Candidate
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Ph.D. Candidate
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Mark Bun is a Ph.D. student in the Theory of Computation group at Harvard University, where he is advised by Salil Vadhan. His research interests include computational complexity, differential privacy, cryptozoology, and learning theory. As a native Seattleite, he enjoys coffee, rain, composting, competitive paper airplane throwing, extreme ironing, and wingsuit base jumping.

Justin Thaler
Research Scientist
Yahoo Research, New York, NY
Research Scientist
Yahoo Research, New York, NY
Justin Thaler is a Research Scientist at Yahoo Research in New York City. Previously, Justin spent a year as a Research Fellow at the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Harvard University in 2013 under the supervision of Michael Mitzenmacher. His research interests include communication complexity, computational learning theory, algorithms for massive datasets, and verifiable computation. He enjoys running and binge watching Veronica Mars (not necessarily at the same time), and his favorite norm is $L_{\infty}$.