About the Authors

Iftach Haitner
Tel Aviv University
Tel Aviv Israel
Tel Aviv University
Tel Aviv Israel
Iftach Haitner is an associate professor at the School of Computer Science at Tel Aviv University and the director of the Check Point Institute for Information Security. He received his Ph.D. under the supervision of Omer Reingold at the
Weizmann Institute in 2008; the title of his dissertation was “New Implications and Improved Efficiency of Constructions Based on One-way Functions.” He enjoys doing playback theater and swimming.

Thomas Holenstein
Zurich, Switzerland
Zurich, Switzerland
Thomas Holenstein obtained his Ph.D. from ETH Zürich
in 2006, advised by Ueli Maurer. He then spent two years as a postdoc at Microsoft Research, and one year as a postdoc at Princeton University. After this, he was a professor at ETH Zürich for 6 years, and then joined Google, where he currently works on the cryptographic library Tink.

Omer Reingold
Stanford University
Stanford, California
Stanford University
Stanford, California
Omer Reingold is the Rajeev Motwani Professor of Computer Science
at Stanford University.
Omer received his Ph.D. in 1999 from the Weizmann Institute under the
direction of Moni Naor. Omer's past
positions include Samsung Research America, the Weizmann Institute of Science, Microsoft Research, the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, NJ and AT&T Labs. His research is in the Foundations of Computer Science and most notably in Computational Complexity and the Foundations of Cryptography with emphasis on randomness, derandomization and explicit combinatorial constructions. He has a keen interest in the societal impact of computation,
as reflected in his work on
privacy and
Omer is an ACM Fellow and among his distinctions are the 2005 Grace Murray Hopper Award and the 2009 Gödel Prize.

Salil Vadhan
Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Salil Vadhan is the Vicky Joseph Professor of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering & Applied Sciences. He received his Ph.D. under the supervision of Shafi Goldwasser at MIT in 1999; the title of his dissertation was “A Study of Statistical Zero-Knowledge Proofs.”
His other research interests include the theory of pseudorandomness and the theory and practice of data privacy. He enjoys spending leisure time with his wife and two daughters, as well as learning to surf in the cold waters of New England.

Hoeteck Wee joined ENS as a CNRS researcher in 2013, after teaching
in the US for several years. He obtained his Ph.D. from UC Berkeley
in 2007 under the supervision of Luca Trevisan.
He is the recipient of a NSF CAREER Award, a Humboldt
Research Fellowship, a Google Faculty Research Award, an ERC Starting
Grant, and the Best paper award at Eurocrypt 2016; he is also a contributor
to the TLS 1.3 standard.