About the Authors

Michael B. Cohen$^\dagger$
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA, USA
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA, USA
Michael B. Cohen (1992--2017) received his Ph.D. from the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
posthumously in 2018.
He was advised by Jonathan Kelner.
He was supported by an NSF Graduate Student Fellowship and was awarded
the Machtey Award for the best student paper at FOCS 2016.
He made important contributions to algorithmic spectral graph theory,
randomized numerical linear algebra, and convex optimization.
Michael tragically passed away in September 2017 due to complications from undiagnosed Type I diabetes. He is dearly missed and remembered for his unbounded excitement, his energy, and his love of both knowledge and people.

Cameron Musco
Assistant Professor
College of Information and Computer Sciences
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Amherst, MA, USA
Assistant Professor
College of Information and Computer Sciences
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Amherst, MA, USA
Cameron Musco is an Assistant Professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He received his Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2018, where he was advised by Nancy Lynch and supported by an NSF Graduate Student Fellowship. After MIT, Cameron was a postdoctoral researcher at Microsoft Research New England. He studies algorithms, often randomized ones, working at the intersection of theoretical computer science, numerical linear algebra, optimization, and machine learning

Jakub Pachocki
Research Lead
Open AI
San Francisco, CA, USA
Research Lead
Open AI
San Francisco, CA, USA
Jakub Pachocki is a Research Lead at OpenAI. He received his Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University in 2016, where he was advised by Gary Miller. After that he was a postdoctoral fellow under Jelani Nelson at Harvard University.